Tradeswap has combined the best of E Commerce barter with an exclusive, No Minimum, No Products, No Gimmicks, No BS, BV, CV, GV, PC, PV, QV or SV points systems, No Laptops, No IPads, No Cars, No Flights, No Bonus programs, No Lifestyle awards, No Distributor, Pearl, Ruby or Diamond levels, No Timeline qualified limits, Tradeswap has the best CASHBACK multi level payment system in the world that is a unique global business opportunity. Tradeswap is for anyone wanting financial security.

Tradeswap's focus is on customer service & success of its member business partners.

  • You receive CASH income, for the life of your membership, up to 71% of all CASH transaction & NTF fees from your referred traders.
  • The seller pays a Trade transaction fee of 3.3% on the trade sale amount. The 3.3% fee is automatically debited from the sellers trade account.
  • The buyer pays a Cash transaction fee of 6.6% on the trade purchase amount.
  • Sell your account - downline at any time (please contact admin for handover).
  • Join Us Today. A New income stream for traders. It Beats paying Fees !!!!

Cash Back

For your referrals

Trader 1 Pays $100 in fees 50% of all fees paid $50
Trader 2 Pays $100 in fees 10% of all fees paid $10
Trader 3 Pays $100 in fees 5% of all fees paid $5
Trader 4 Pays $100 in fees 3% of all fees paid $3
Trader 5 Pays $100 in fees 2% of all fees paid $2
Trader 6 Pays $100 in fees 1% of all fees paid $1